Ever wondered what happens after being nominated for or winning an award? Here is what some of our past winners took away.
We asked the winners to answer 3 questions. Here are some of the answers.
Q1. What has winning a WiTWA ’20 in 20’ (if you won in 2018) or a Tech [+] 20 (if you won in 2019) Award meant for you?
Winning this award is an amazing recognition of all the years of hard work. Just knowing that you have made a difference, no matter how small, is the best feeling, and the best motivator to go on and do even more, but having someone else recognise and acknowledge what you have done is like the cherry on the top
Sheryl Frame
Winning the WiTWA Tech + 20 and the first among equals has added so much credibility to what I am doing both personally and my business. It’s hard to attribute actual value but I know that it has been instrumental in adding credibility to further award applications and accelerator programs that I have been successful in winning. Being a business Founder I had grown accustomed to never receiving recognition but instead as the business leader, being the one to always give reward and recognition to my team so it was extremely unexpected but very much appreciated to be recognised by WiTWA.
Suzanne Dodds
Q2. What’s your #1 piece of advice to someone wanting to enter the Awards?
You’ve got to be in it to win it.
Stacey Hamilton
‘Put your hat in the ring’. Be a contender. Grab opportunities. Do it!!
Alysia Kepert
Be authentic. The rest leave it to the judging panel. Prior to the Award announcement, I was surprised that some people reached out to thank me for inspiring them with the openness of the profile I shared for WiTWA. That was very touching.
Sarada Lee
Q3. What would you say to someone who was hesitating to apply because they don’t think they’re worthy of an award?
Work on changing the conversation in your head !!! You are NOT being arrogant or “big noting” yourself by stating how you make a difference in your role you do. The world won’t gain from you “playing small”! Remember that this type of award can open doors, introduce you to other wonderful likeminded people and seriously change your journey – like it did mine!
Pauline Charman
#seeherbeher… The worst thing that can happen is that you end up as one of our amazing role models, which means that you 1) inspire other women in tech [+] and young people who are thinking about a career in tech and 2) opportunities to speak, mentor, board or committee work and collaboration for good is likely to come your way
Gry Stene