Stephy Vijaya Kumar Jayasree

Physics Meets Medicine: Lighting Health Pathways
Stephy Vijaya Kumar Jayasree

  • 2023 Nominee

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About Stephy Vijaya Kumar Jayasree

Stephy Vijaya Kumar Jayasree is a dedicated PhD scholar in photonics at UWA, celebrated with accolades such as the UWA 3-Minute Thesis and FAMELab. As the President of the Optica student chapter at UWA, she fosters innovation and mentorship.

Additionally, her affiliation as a past member of the Biomedical Engineering Society of WA further emphasizes her commitment to the field.

Beyond her academic achievements, Stephy’s passion for STEM education stands out. Through her mentorship, she has guided budding scientists, with a particular emphasis on supporting and guiding women in STEM.

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